Office of Secretary

Minutes of Regular Meeting

January 4, 2000

The Board of Directors of the Kittitas Reclamation District met in Regular Session on Tuesday, January 4, 2000. Directors in attendance were Chairman Urban Eberhart, Vice Chairman Jim Schnebly, Larry Bland and Paul Weaver. Also in attendance were Janeice Jump, Ben George, Ed Wakkuri, Steve Lathrop, Joe Mentor, Ray Owens, Mike Moyer, Paul Harrel, Roger Satnik, Barbara Pettit, Jack Carpenter and Legal Counsel John Gilreath.

A motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland approved the agenda with the addition of an Executive Session. The motion passed unanimously.

Moving to Old Business and deviating to Trendwest Mr. Carpenter introduced Joe Mentor, Mike Moyer, Steve Lathrop and Ray Owens, representing Trendwest. Joe Mentor, Trendwest Water Rights Attorney, presented information regarding the purchased, mitigated and other proposed water rights to supply the Trendwest development located in Upper Kittitas County. Continuing with Trendwest Steve Lathrop addressed the Board regarding a petition before the Kittitas County Commissioners for the formation of a County Water Conservancy Board. Mr. Lathrop distributed information on theTrendwest position regarding the formation of a County Water Conservancy Board explaining Trendwest is urging that the Kittitas County Commissioners express a tentative approval for the idea and move forward with the drafting of a resolution and by-laws and appointment of a steering committee to work with Kittitas County staff. Mr. Lathrop requested Kittitas Reclamation District or individual directors submit comments on the formation of a County Water Conservancy Board stating he felt the District should not continue in a neutral position. Discussion followed with Mr. Carpenter explaining there is a meeting to discuss the formation of a County Water Conservancy Board at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon in the Kittitas County Commissioners Auditorium. Following discussion the consensus was that the Board maintain a neutral position toward the formation of a Water Conservancy Board. It was agreed that such a Water Conservancy Board would probably have no impact on KRD water rights but that a Conservancy Board could potentially benefit individual landowners with creek water rights within KRD boundaries. Trendwest also presented a concept to do a water exchange with the City of Ellensburg and mitigate impacts to KRD by doing conservation projects in the district. Following lengthy discussion Jim Schnebly and Urban Eberhart volunteered to serve on a sub-committee to work with Trendwest on the City Water Exchange. Steve Lathrop, Joe Mentor, Ray Owens and Mike Moyer left the meeting at this time.

Returning to the agenda a motion from Jim Schnebly and seconded by Larry Bland approved the minutes of December 7, 1999 and December 14, 1999. The motion passed unanimously.

Moving to water update Mr. Carpenter presented a water update explaining storage capacity is at 60% following releases compared to 45% the same time in 1999.

Moving to staff meeting review Mr. Carpenter distributed information on January meetings attended.

Mr. Carpenter presented a water delivery update regarding the Swauk Valley Ranch explaining the estimated cost for replacing the existing point of diversion and estimated costs for changing the point of diversion for water delivery.

Moving to Tri County Water Resources Agency Update Mr. Eberhart apprised the Board the search is continuing for a director.

Roger Satnik apprised the Board 44 resumes have been received for the Kittitas County Water Purveyors Water Quality staff position with a meeting scheduled for January 11th to review the resumes. Roger presented preliminary results from the 1999 USGS NAWQA studies of the Yakima River Basin. Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board Inter Local Agreements have been received from Cascade Irrigation District and Westside Irrigating Company.

Mr. Carpenter presented updated information on the Kittitas County "Manual on Accommodating Utilities in Kittitas County Rights-of-Way" explaining information has been received following the public hearing. Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board he will follow the progress of the manual.

Mr. Carpenter distributed a letter he sent to the Yakima River Watershed Interagency Council.

Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board the KRD Comp Plan Addendum has been approved and signed by the USBR however the signed Addendum has not been received. Mr. Carpenter further explained work has been authorized and will be reimbursed.

Moving to ESA/Ag. Fish Water Update Mr. Carpenter apprised the Board meetings are continuing on the Bureau of Reclamation Section 7 consultations and distributed the meeting schedule for the AFW Executive Committee and Work Group.

Mr. Carpenter presented Resolution 2000-1 establishing the O & M Keechelus Dam Repair Fund. Resolution 2000-1 was approved with a motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Paul Weaver. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter introduced Ed Wakkuri explaining Mr. Wakkuri is considering submitting his name to the Kittitas County Commissioners for appointment to the unexpired term of the Director Division 2 position. Paul Harrel entered the meeting at this time.

Director Jim Schnebly executed his Oath of Office and Bond.

Moving to New Business and this being the time for the reorganization of the Board; Jim Schnebly was elected Chairman and Larry Bland Vice Chairman by a motion from Paul Weaver and seconded by Larry Bland. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Paul Weaver appointed Jack Carpenter Secretary-Manager and John Gilreath Legal Counsel for 2000. The motion passed unanimously.

The first half of the USBR O & M payment in the sum of $170,500.00 was presented for approval. A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Paul Weaver approved the payment as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

The 2000 WSWRA Dues in the sum of $13,098.70 was approved by a motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Paul Weaver. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion from Larry Bland and seconded by Paul Weaver approved the 2000 Yakima River Basin Coalition Payment in the sum of $41,559.00. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Carpenter presented a crossing permit for Bull Bros. Sec. 32 Twn. 17 Rng. 19. A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Paul Weaver approved the crossing permit as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

Upcoming Meetings:

January 4 Kittitas County Commissioners Ellensburg
January 11 Tri County Water Quality Yakima
                    Tri County Habitat Comm. Yakima
                    KCWP Workshop KRD
January 12 Tri County Groundwater Yakima
                    Tri County Water Quantity Yakima
January 13 Oversight Hearing Yakima
January 19 WSWRA Pasco
January 21 Tri County Steering Yakima
January 22 Westside Ditch Co. Ellensburg
January 24 Tri County Planning Unit Yakima
January 26 NMFS Yakima
January 27 Tri County Board Yakima
January 28 Joint Board Yakima
February 1 Lewis v Elison Ellensburg

Moving to Other Business Mr. Carpenter distributed the Wetland Habitat Plan Update for review and comments.

The Board adjourned to Executive Session for 30 minutes at 3:20 p.m. to discuss Legal Issues with a motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Paul Weaver. The Board returned to Regular Session at 3:50 p.m. with a motion from Paul Weaver and seconded by Larry Bland. The motion passed unanimously.

The Summary Vouchers for November, 1999 expenses Vouchers #17163-17227 & 17230-17261 & 17266-17295 in the sum of $383,156.03 were presented for approval. A motion from Urban Eberhart and seconded by Paul Weaver approved the Summary Vouchers as presented. The motion passed unanimously.

The Directors monthly Payroll Vouchers were presented for signatures and checks distributed accordingly.

All Business having been concluded the meeting adjourned.

Jack W. Carpenter – Secretary-Manager

Jim Schnebly - Chairman

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